
What Are the Benefits of Ginger?

Ginger, dating back to 3000 BC, is effective in healing stomach ailments and vomiting. Ginger, which gives flavor to meals, cookies and pastries, is also protective against diseases in winter. So what are the benefits of ginger, which has such a place in our lives? What are the ingredients of ginger? We have compiled the answers for you…Benefits of Ginger…


It was used for health and as a spice by the Assyrians, Indians and Chinese, whose history dates back to 3000 BC. It is also written that ginger is used in the making of paint by mixing with saffron and turmeric on the soil plates found in Mesopotomia.

It is also on record that Chinese sailors used ginger to prevent seasickness.

The physicians of the Romans who went to Somalia wrote that the Somali people used the fresh sprouts of ginger in salads, hot dishes, boiled and consumed them as drinks.

Ginger is among the staple products of Asian cuisine. In the world cuisine, ginger drinks are preferred for sweetening.

Ginger, a plant originating from China, is commonly grown in India, Indonesia, Fiji, Jamaica and Australia.

The rhizome, the underground part of ginger, is used as a spice. It can be used fresh or dried and used in powder form.

Ginger is preferred in health and food as well as cosmetics such as soap, perfume and shampoo.

What Are the Benefits of Ginger?

Dries out inflammation

Ginger is one of the oldest herbs used to prevent and dehydrate inflammation. It prevents inflammation thanks to its rich anti-inflammatory content.

Relieves muscle pain

It especially relieves sports-related joint and muscle pain.

Prevents upper respiratory tract disease

It is effective in treating upper respiratory tract diseases, which are more common in winter. It increases sweating in the body, thus allowing toxins to be removed from the body. Ginger also relieves disease-induced body malaise.

It lowers cholesterol

As a result of regular use of ginger, it lowers cholesterol, reduces the possibility of blood clotting, and balances blood sugar levels.

Fixes the gas problem

Ginger is a very powerful carminative. You can eliminate the gas problem with some ginger.

It facilitates digestion

Ginger, known as stomach friendly, facilitates digestion and balances blood sugar. It facilitates the absorption of nutrients by relaxing the stomach.

Relieves menstrual pain

Ginger relieves pain during the menstrual cycle.

Removes parasites

When ginger is consumed on an empty stomach before meals, it facilitates digestion and reduces parasites.

Relieves asthma

Ginger is a rich anti-inflammatory plant, and thanks to the zerumbone component it contains, it is a source of healing for asthma. Thanks to its ginger content, it reduces the allergic reaction in the throat and provides comfortable breathing.

Effective in slimming

Ginger provides fast fat burning, thanks to this feature, it removes toxins from the body.

It also prevents fatty liver.

Prevents cancer

Ginger contains components such as gingerol. Thanks to this feature, it prevents many types of cancer, especially breast cancer.

Improves memory

It prevents diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s that occur due to advancing age, and also strengthens memory.

Vitamins in Ginger

The biggest reason why ginger is so beneficial to health is the active ingredient called gingerol. Apart from this, there are B3, B6, vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

100 gr. Approximate nutritional value of ginger

Calories: 80 g

Potassium: 415 mg

Total fat: 0.8 g

Carbohydrate: 18 g

Sodium: 13 mg

Calcium: 16 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.2 mg

Vitamin C: 5 mg

Vitamin A: 0 IU

Vitamin D: 0 IU

Protein: 1,8 g

Magnesium: 43 mg

Dietary fiber: 2 g

Ginger tea

A warm ginger tea in winter warms us up and is a source of healing. When ginger tea is consumed regularly; It runs the digestive system, strengthens the immune system, balances blood sugar.

Benefits of Ginger Tea

It is good for upper respiratory diseases.

It reduces cough.

Protects respiratory health.

It fights cancer, prevents the formation of cancerous cells.

It speeds up the metabolism.

It helps to lose weight.

Relieves joint and muscle pain

Relieves fatigue, calms nerves, calms

Fights germs

Prevents diseases

Relieves nausea

It is good for indigestion and bloating

We share with you the warm ginger tea recipes that will warm you up in the cold weather of winter.

Ginger tea for cough

Honey Ginger


1 glass of water

1 piece of root ginger ginger

1 teaspoon of honey

Half a lemon


Boil 1 piece of ginger root with 1 glass of water for 10 minutes.

At the end of 10 minutes, ginger root is taken out of the water and the tea is left to warm.

1 teaspoon of honey is added to the icing tea and mixed. Finally, squeezed in half a lemon juice

Ginger tea for slimming


1 piece of root ginger

1 part turmeric root

1 cinnamon

2 cloves of garlic

The juice of half a lemon

2 glasses of water

Making ginger tea for weight loss

Boil 1 part ginger root, 1 part turmeric root, 1 cinnamon, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 cups water for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, extract root ginger, turmeric root, cinnamon and garlic from the tea.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the remaining tea and drink it when it gets a little warm.

Ginger helps to lose weight by activating the metabolism. It also provides fat burning and gives a feeling of satiety.

Ginger Oil

Ginger oil is extracted from the root of ginger. Ginger oil is as good as root ginger.

Benefits of Ginger Oil

It relieves migraine pain. Massage with ginger oil relieves migraine pain.

It is good for nausea. Sniffing ginger oil when there is nausea reduces nausea.

Provides fast hair growth. Massage with ginger oil on the scalp nourishes the hair and provides rapid growth. Instead of applying ginger oil directly to the scalp, it is recommended to add it to the shampoo.

It is antibacterial. Ginger oil and jojoba oil are mixed and applied to the insect bite.

It relieves muscle and joint pain. It is mixed with olive oil and applied by massaging the painful joint and muscle area.

How to Use Ginger Oil?

Ginger oil should not be taken by mouth. In some people, only ginger oil may have an allergic reaction, it should be mixed with another oil. It can be mixed with coconut oil and olive oil.

It can be used as a massage oil.

It is also used by scenting ginger oil.

Young children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not use it without consulting a doctor.


Ginger can cause an allergic reaction in some people. This article is for informational purposes only, not for treatment. In case of any illness, a doctor should be consulted first.

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